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Good Example Of Effects of Alcohol Consumption Course Work

August 12, 2021

– List some adverse effects of alcohol consumption.
Too much drinking on a single occasion or a lot of alcohol for a long time can take a serious toll on one’s health. The adverse effects of alcohol on the body can be discussed under various body parts including the brain, liver, heart, pancreas among others.

– Brain
Alcohol causes interference with the communication pathways of the brain and disfigures the structure of the brain- hindering performance of brain functions. The adverse effects of these disruptions include change in behavior or mood, difficulties in thinking and unstable movements because of poor coordination.

– Heart
Alcohol consumptions lead to heart malfunctioning or diseases. Some of the disorders include drooping and stretching of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy), irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias), stroke and high blood pressure. All these, are capable of causing serious problems to an individual and at worst, they cause death.

– Liver
Regarding the liver, heavy drinking can lead to a variety of problems and malfunctions. Some of the resultant complications of alcohol drinking on the liver include steatosis (fatty liver), fibrosis, and cirrhosis and alcohol hepatitis.

– Pancreas
Alcohol triggers the pancreas to produce toxic substances that have the potential to cause pancreatitis-a dangerous swelling and inflammation of blood vessels in the pancreases that prevents proper digestion.

Similarly, alcohol increases the risk of developing liver, throat, mouth, esophagus and breast cancer. Furthermore, too much drinking weakens the immune system making the body more vulnerable to contracting diseases such as pneumonia.

– Alcohol can cause both obesity and malnutrition. Explain why
Alcohol consumption causes obesity because it tends to promote overeating. The energy contained in alcohol represents a false impression of excess calories to the body (Uschan, 2012). In essence, this effect tends to attest to the over feeding that is common with a high-fat diet, thus increasing the chances of gaining weight. On the other hand, alcohol can cause malnutrition. Typically, when a person consumes a lot of alcohol, the body senses that its needs for calories have been satisfied. Consequently, this produces a decreased demand for food. However, the calories contained in alcohol do not provide fat, protein, vitamins, minerals or carbohydrates required for maintenance of body functions. Furthermore, alcohol irritates the gut wall causing ulceration and inflammation, thus interfering with nutrient absorption.

Uschan, M. V. (2012). Alcohol. San Diego, CA: Lucent Books.

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